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A former secret organization

Also referred as TSCTBA or in short SCBA is a former secret organization whose origins are unclear. Along time this has been motive of crude controversial positions and disputes

Middhartha Rammen, the founder of the Council inside a Lotus flower, meaning
pureness and protected by two Himalayan black dragons.

Traditional theories about universe creation 

The traditional theory points to a supreme spirit whose energy and wisdom helped to create the universe and its life. While this spirit’s “anima” was clear and pure it was not enough to accomplish the task. Dark forces and negative powers were required to create a perpetual unbalanced system, the system known as life.

At some point all the forces began to concentrate around both initial poles of origin. While the pole known as Yeng makes energy flow, the pole known as Phang attracts and concentrates it. Through time, the Yeng and Phang poles and forces were balanced automatically, and thus, the universe and life were running smoothly.

This ideal combination of energies led to a fast evolution of living elements and creatures that ended abruptly at some point when a new creature evolved to a more dangerous stadium: they became bipedal.

As with the universe itself, these creatures combine the Yeng and Phang energies in their interior. The energy is taken and returned from the system, flowing through the creatures, where it has the ability to combine the right amount of clear energy coming from the Yeng pole and dark energy coming from the Phang. In a given amount of time inside a creature’s body, the dark and clear energies have different values. In a continuous process, the bodies charge and discharge those energies while contacting the ground using a minimum of one point of contact and a maximum of four points. Clear energy flows through three of these points, and dark energy flows through only one. When those new creatures evolved the ability to stay connected most of the time with just two of their four points, a major threat to the universe’s balance was originated.

Middhartha Rammen

The founder of TSCTBA, Middhartha Rammen, was a visionary bunny who saw the threat posed by the biped creatures and the potential danger to the universe’s delicate balance. He gathered a group of like-minded bunnies to form the Supreme Council of The Bunny Attitude, with the aim of protecting the universe and maintaining the proper balance of energies.

Rammen was a skilled strategist and diplomat, and he knew that in order to achieve their goal, the council needed to remain secret and operate behind the scenes. He devised a complex system of hierarchies and codes to ensure that only the most trusted and dedicated bunnies could become members of the council. Over time, the council grew in power and influence, with members spread across the globe.

As the council grew, it became apparent that they needed a symbol that represented their mission and values. Rammen commissioned the creation of a crest of arms, depicting him inside a lotus flower, symbolizing purity and protection, and surrounded by two Himalayan black dragons, representing strength and power.

The crest became a source of inspiration and pride for members of the council, reminding them of their duty to protect the universe from the dangerous biped creatures and to maintain the delicate balance of energies. But as the council’s power grew, so did the challenges they faced, and they would soon find themselves facing their greatest threat yet.


  • 9J says:

    Oh Miffa, this is too difficult to understand! My little bunny brain hurts!

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh Miffa, this is too difficult to understand! My little bunny brain hurts!

  • Miffa says:

    Supreme Bunny Perfection is a hard and steady path that must be carefully traveled across time.

    Look inside your bunny esence and you will discover the esence of Bunny Chi.

    PS: To easy up things a little bit, we -the rabbits- are perfect creatures with 4 legs. Energy flows, both positive and negative freely. Men are evil creatures that only use 2 legs, creating great stress to the universe.

  • Anonymous says:

    Supreme Bunny Perfection is a hard and steady path that must be carefully traveled across time.Look inside your bunny esence and you will discover the esence of Bunny Chi.PS: To easy up things a little bit, we -the rabbits- are perfect creatures with 4 legs. Energy flows, both positive and negative freely. Men are evil creatures that only use 2 legs, creating great stress to the universe.

  • katanga says:

    jeje, bendita postdata!

  • Anonymous says:

    jeje, bendita postdata!

  • Father Bunny says:

    Vd, apliquése el cuento que es la Ministra para la Conservación de la Raza Humana.

    Y hoy ha estado Gerard y Esther aquí en mi oficina y a ambos nos ronda la duda de si vendrá Vd. a nuestra cena inagural del SONAR 08.

    Ya le comento.

  • Anonymous says:

    Vd, apliquése el cuento que es la Ministra para la Conservación de la Raza Humana.Y hoy ha estado Gerard y Esther aquí en mi oficina y a ambos nos ronda la duda de si vendrá Vd. a nuestra cena inagural del SONAR 08.Ya le comento.

  • 9J says:

    Oh Miffa you shouldn’t say that! People aren’t all evil. Anita Maria is my good friend and she’s a very nice girl. I’m sure Father and Mother Bunnies aren’t evil people either. You should be nice to them.

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh Miffa you shouldn’t say that! People aren’t all evil. Anita Maria is my good friend and she’s a very nice girl. I’m sure Father and Mother Bunnies aren’t evil people either. You should be nice to them.

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