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Probably the only zoo where animals are / could be happy

Unlike most traditional zoos, Singapore Zoo is renowned for its unique open-concept design, which provides a more natural and humane environment for the animals.

At Singapore Zoo, the animals are free to roam around in habitats that resemble their natural environments. This open-concept design helps to minimize the stress that animals often experience in traditional zoos. The zoo also employs a team of experts who are dedicated to ensuring the health and well-being of the animals.

Night Safari

During the Night Safari, you can witness nocturnal animals in their natural habitats, such as tigers, lions, and even flying squirrels. Additionally during day time heat and humidity can make your visit to the zoo quite uncomfortable if you are not used to tropical climates.

Visitor experience.

The zoo offers a range of activities and exhibits that cater to visitors of all ages. From animal shows to interactive exhibits, there is always something exciting to see at Singapore Zoo, even if you attend the show several times they are not boring or repetitive.

Lot of species, including Orangutans

Singapore Zoo is home to a diverse range of animal species, including rare and endangered animals. The zoo is also actively involved in breeding and reintroduction programs to help increase the populations of endangered animals. This commitment to conservation is a testament to Singapore Zoo’s dedication to protecting the planet’s wildlife.

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