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Miffa’s impressive expedition to dominate the sea cucumber market.

By March 1, 20077 Comments
not exacttly the same, ours will be without chicks wearing bikinis

Knowledge, charisma, self-motivation and the ability to select and train a good team is the key to a successful enterprise.

Miffa has inherited from his biological grand father a enormous ambition to explore and to bunny dominate the world.

To celebrate the new golden Pig year, Miffa and her crew will depart from 41°50’37.41″N – 3° 7’27.06″E . They will explore a vast area seeking for the best sea cucumbers. As a crew member the several times Nobel nominee – Mr. Cyteck – who has done extensive research about this amazing creature.

Using the best specimens he and his team will clonate them and the biggest and most advanced sea cucumber farm will be established in Blanes (Girona). A new automated sea cucumber smoking and curing factory is being built in Guadalajara. This factory will be capable to process more than 1.5 million units a year.

Other reputate members of the expedition will be:

Mr. Chan – an experienced diver and GIS guru who has developed a sophisticated technology to track sea cucumbers movements-

Mrs Chan – who has crossed from Sydney to Hobart in a 29 feet old ship defying 30 feets waves and 50 knots winds-

Miffe Chan, the highly experienced bunny sailor who will take care of the wet end.

Olaf Frünsen a giant octopus baby who will take care of the keel.

And finally, Mr Paul Cayard’s brother in law, Mr Evasee and an enigmatic bowman who joined last minute to replace Mr. Musik

Sometimes even an expereience bunny like me runs into difficulties
(picture credits Mrs Marin)

PS: The journey will be monitorized using the latest GPS devices and Google Earth.


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