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Chairoko and Kiiroko at Carme Ruscalleda’s

By March 21, 20072 Comments
Experimental bunny marketing on the rocks

Finally they’ve arrived, just a couple of days flying from Tokyo to Madrid but there they were trapped at customs for four days.

Anyways, I picked them up from the post office just a minute or two before the closing time and I was unable to pick up Miffa.

They were quite tired and suffered from some jet lag but they liked the plan; going to a nice restaurant owned by Carme Ruscadella.

Who will be a better host than her?? – Who owns a restaurant in Tokyo-

And Carmen, who did an outstanding dinner for us (with her team support), was the nicer and more friendly SuperChef that I have known!!

She offered to be pictured with our bunny guest and she even took our guests to her kitchen where a girl from Japan is working.

Miffa is a little bit jealous about our new guest (She wanted to know Carme Ruscalleda ) but Chairoko and Kiiroko and Miffu slept together in Miffa’s room.


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