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I must admit that I do not understand and of course I do not share my mother’s great devotion for Woody Allen. This Saturday (10/26/07) Father Bunny and Mother Bunny went to the Spanish Premiere.

They expected a crowd, but the got a nice in the middle of the middle spot with no effort. Ok the tiny cinema was full but no big lines or annoying people pushing to enter the cinema.

I must admit that I have watched the previous two movies of Woody’s bizarre trilogy filmed in London. All of them have a common theme: murder and how far a person can reach to get what he or she wants.

Again in the recurrent Woody’s tides calendar past movies are filmed where the low tide shows the debris we can not normally see.

I must admit that me and my father did enjoy the first movie -Match point- and even we saw some details in the plot and in the scenes that reminded us some of the best directors.

Second one had severe problems. First Woody and Scarlett together, second it pretended to be a comedy who stole some elements from other Woody’s movies (The magician, come on!!!) and the worse of the entire movie: The end.

May be 15 million euros is not enough to produce a movie, may be all the special effect and all post processing that Woody uses in his films cost much more, may be expensive suites and his wages are to high… who knows. But when he runs out of money at the end he just cut the expenses at the expense of a pathetic ending.

And in Cassandra’s Dream he really had severe cash problems.

The movie started with a good feeling, no grandpa Woody acting, no fatty Scarlett…
A pity than Colin Farrell is so puppy acting in Miami Vice, the movie, like in Woody’s.

The plot is ok, main characters (the two brothers) are ok, the rest are missing, but the end is like if you run out of space in your camera’s memory card.

Just waiting for the piece of “cake” Woody filmed in Barcelona

Final Thoughts

Overall, Woody Allen’s latest film was a mixed bag. While the first half of the movie was engaging and entertaining, the second half fell short of expectations. The lackluster ending was a major letdown, leaving many viewers feeling disappointed. Nevertheless, the film’s unique theme and Allen’s distinctive style of filmmaking may still make it worth watching for fans of his work.

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