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Miffa went today with Mother Bunny (me) to the B&B at Barcelona. We chose the Denim section as the favourite one. Outside this area there is not a lot of glamour and too many stupid sales people asking Miffa, where her shop is based.

At the end of the day, Mother Bunny and Miffa went to a nice spot with white sand and we drank a carrot juice.

After a tough day inside a expo area without air conditioning we brought back home a lot of stuff.
Next Friday we will there again, so more info is comin’

Putting Bread and Butter Barcelona into context – 2023

BBB Fashion Show: The Ultimate Fashion Extravaganza?

A Fashion Show Like No Other in that moment of time was their promise and at some point it was true, you entered into a world of creativity and innovation that transcended traditional catwalks, with avant-garde designs, eclectic music, and boundary-pushing styles.

The event promised to be a celebration of diversity and inclusivity, showcasing the very best of contemporary fashion, a platform for emerging talent to showcase their skills and creativity to a global audience.

From streetwear to haute couture, the show had almost something for everyone.

We had good times there, met very nice people until the show finally abandoned Barcelona to focus only in Berlin


  • Anonymous says:

    While father bunny was at home they’re were just enjoying B&B. Good, very good.And now they flew to Madrid to another party.After the Rolex Ad this kind of life of Miffa is really worrying me.

  • Anonymous says:

    hey miffa! It’s me boat man once again not to insult u or anything just whats with the rabbits? give me your awnser at im sure u already knew that but just making sure. thanks,Boat

  • Anonymous says:

    hey miffa! It’s me boat man once again not to insult u or anything just whats with the rabbits? give me your awnser at im sure u already knew that but just making sure. thanks,Boat

  • Anonymous says:

    This blog is about Miffa (the one with the orange cap) and Miffu (the little one).I consider bunnies are nice but that’s it.If Miffa were a Cayman everything will be about them.

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