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Yes, again, using the opportunity that my angry daughter offers me I will break his “book of style” talking about the F1 Championship.

Last weekend we celebrate a nice event in Barcelona – Martini racing legends– with Emmerson Fitipaldi and we lack old legends like J. Stewart.

On the newspapers Mr. Stewart said that the “wanna be championship” was vulnerable. But after watching the race I must say that his boss, his manager and himself are phucking idiots.

This year on the F1 they have really made a lot of effort to make it more boring – do you remember the five points they just took to Fernando at -Hungary ?, do you remember the bullshit the English press wrote about him?

Any idiot who writes on a newspaper can write a headline like “At least Fernando did not win!?

Garrafone is angry, Santander hates Dennis, an even Mercedes – great phuckers- are angry. I am happy.

Go with papa Hamilton and try to remember how you got mad while Fernando passed you.



  • katanga says:

    Any idiot who writes on a newspaper can write a headline like “At least Hamilton did not win!”, also ¬¬

  • Anonymous says:

    Any idiot who writes on a newspaper can write a headline like “At least Hamilton did not win!”, also ¬¬

  • GOLDRIKCH says:

    i think that most of the “gentleman” people is idiot, like Hamilton he is not gentleman but it´s the only one person who loose a F1 world championship when everythinks was with he , or Fitipaldi that he wasn´t take a picture with draculina.
    fucking people!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    i think that most of the “gentleman” people is idiot, like Hamilton he is not gentleman but it´s the only one person who loose a F1 world championship when everythinks was with he , or Fitipaldi that he wasn´t take a picture with draculina.fucking people!!!

  • Miffa says:

    Not to tell you about Jackie Stewart!!!

    At least he said all the pressure was on Hamilton

  • Anonymous says:

    Not to tell you about Jackie Stewart!!!At least he said all the pressure was on Hamilton

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