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Shake, shake, shake…shake, shake, shake….

By May 18, 200814 Comments

Shake you up bunny, shake you up bunny.
Oh, I can, I can do well, very well

A slight mod to one of the old (and sometimes terrible) song that KC and that slightly over her weigh lady (Italian surname) try to sell to night hawkers addicted to TV shops. A 9 CD nightmare that you can discover here

Today the great day arrived and Father Bunny and Draculina will need to prove me that they can run faster and better than me.

I know my sister can defeat me in short distances with no effort but she is not good when the track is longer and not totally flat some love handles in your body can help you to sustain your effort. And to tell you the truth Father Bunny’s days of glory are something of the past and the only exercise that he really needs to do is signing checks to cover my expenses.

The event we chose it was Cursa del Corte Inglés, one of the largest running races over the world that achieved world record in 1994 with 109,457 athletes (still today holds The Guinness Record). This year around 50,000 people took part so quite a crowd ready to step on you.

The race starts and ends in Plaça Catalunya, eleven kilometers that are not as easy as you may think if this is your first race. Let me guide you in a VirtuaRabbit tour in which I will share my thoughts.

KM 0. This year runners with a timing chip are in a separate area a few meters in front the rest of participants. A good idea to avoid crowds and to allow official and real times match.

START. I passed throw the start line with FB and Draculina, we have only lost around 15 seconds but suddenly after 100 meters a big jam stopped us abruptly. People entering the race from both left and right sides are blocking me and my father while Draculina is able to find the right place in a fast zigzag between humans, cars and another urban elements.

KM 0.63. We turn left in Aragon street, still crowded but I manage to get rid off FB while trying to chase Draculina. My pace is not so good but sensations are. FB is surprisingly close to me and advancing with less effort that I expected.

KM 3.22. Still chasing my sister that is doing 3.45 minutes a kilometer. I decided to save energy because in about 500 meter the first slope is coming ( from 3.80 to 4.80 approximately you are heading up to the Olympic Stadium and the slope is quite a pain inside your athletic shoes

KM 3.80 Suddenly the race stopped. Even the fastest runners are slowing down. I expected Father Bunny to crash as many others (he has not been running hills during his training). Draculina is suffering and she has stopped to eat and drink some carrot juice. I passed her and I managed to arrive first to the first water station. Father bunny has reduced his pace from 4:30 to 5:20 and his pulse is 164. No good news for me I expected him trashed aside the route.

KM 4.80. I was running first, FB was at low pace and Draculina almost broken. I run down the hill for the next 200 meters but again a, this time bigger, slope was in front of me and the Olympic Stadium. This time I needed to reduce my pace considerably but FB – that has down the hill tried to reduce his bpm- was going uphill quite fast. Actually faster than Draculina that was out of breath and suffering when she joined father bunny in this point.

OLYMPIC STADIUM. Here it’s Miffa, yes! entering the track with the crowd waving the new Bunny hero. It was nice being there and having the chance to step on the same track than many professional athletes. Father Bunny and Draculina were not doing good inside. I decided to buy myself an ice cream and rest for a while. Anyways the race was quite easy for me.

KM 7.31 Draculina passed my like a rocket. At this part until Km 10 we descended Montjuich and she showed her great ability at a stunning pace of about 30 km/h. Father Bunny was doing around 15 km/h (He decided to forget about his knees for a while)

KM 9. I saw Father Bunny at the distance, He pushed hard downhill and therefore he was not keeping so much energy as he expected in those two last kilometers. Draculina stopped in Km 10.5 to chat with Mother Bunny. She did and impressive descend and was able to join the best runners. Unfortunately for her she waited for FB.

KM 10.5 Draculina stepped onto Father Bunny’s shoulders, he tried to run but his pulse went wild and reached 170. He still tried to win me but finally we did the same time.

Unfortunately for him I have won my age group and therefore our bet!


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