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If you’re planning a trip to Bangkok and want to experience a unique mode of transportation, consider taking a ride on a Ruea Hang Yao, also known as a long tail boat. These boats are a common sight along the Chao Phraya river and offer a thrilling way to explore the city’s waterways.

Long tail boats are a common transportation along Chao Phraya river. Well known for the scene where Mr. “Grandpa Moore” Bond use one to pursuit one of the bad guys. (The man with a golden gun)

The ones you can spot in the (tourist trap warning) floating markets generally use 4 in line diesel engines with or without turbo and are fast, noisy and spectacular.

But absolutely craziness arrives to some of the units that go up and down the river featuring large Toyota, Isuzu, and Nissan six a even eight cylinders.

Most of them have no intake filter and no silencer (I have not seen any) so imagine noise and polution.

There’s no gearbox and neutral is achieved lifting the large pool where the helix is placed, same way, moving the whole engine and pool the driver change direction.

Of course my father wanted to drive one, but even offering some good money they said: no way!

They’re really spectacular but annoying after some time because of big noise, vibration and smokes.

A Brief Introduction to Ruea Hang Yao

The Ruea Hang Yao is a traditional Thai boat that’s powered by a long propeller shaft, or “long tail,” attached to a gasoline or diesel engine at the stern. The boat is steered by a tiller that’s attached to the end of the shaft, giving the boat its distinctive “tail.”

Long Tail Boats at the Floating Markets

While long tail boats are a common mode of transportation along the Chao Phraya river, they’re also popular at the city’s floating markets. Many of the boats you’ll see at these markets are powered by diesel engines with or without a turbo, and they’re fast, noisy, and spectacular to watch as they navigate through the crowded waterways.

The Crazy World of Large Engine Long Tail Boats

However, things get even more exciting when you come across a Ruea Hang Yao with a large engine. Some boats feature Toyota, Isuzu, and Nissan six or even eight-cylinder engines. Most of these boats have no intake filter or silencer, which can lead to noise and pollution.

These boats have no gearbox, and neutral is achieved by lifting the large pool where the helix is placed. The driver can change direction by moving the whole engine and pool. While they may be impressive, the noise, vibration, and smoke can quickly become overwhelming and annoying, particularly for those looking for a peaceful boat ride.

A Word of Caution

If you’re planning to take a ride on a Ruea Hang Yao, be aware that the larger engine boats can be quite intense. If you have a sensitive ear, you may want to consider bringing earplugs. Additionally, keep in mind that some boats may not be properly maintained, which can lead to safety concerns. Always use caution and follow the advice of locals and tour operators when deciding which boat to ride.

A ride on a Ruea Hang Yao is a unique way to explore the Chao Phraya river and experience the city from a different perspective. While the larger engine boats can be intense, they offer a thrilling and unforgettable experience. Just be sure to take precautions and use your best judgement when deciding which boat to ride.

Miffa Chan

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