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Miffo’s trip to Japan

By March 21, 20072 Comments

This Tuesday my sister Miffo and my friends Pau and Laia (From Sabadell) have taken a UPS plane from Barcelona to Tokyo.

Past Sunday we did a big party, we set up everything and we built a special capsule to accommodate both of them. Father Bunny and me did a selection of Spanish food that we placed in the same capsule.

The trip will take about three days and Miffo will stay there until summer with her Japanese family. There she will learn a little bit of Japanese and will share a lot of experiences with her new bunny brothers and sisters. And they are quite a few.

Our friends from Cafemiffy master several cuisines from the east and they will introduce exquisite and secret recipes to Miffo.

Pau and Laila are entrepreneurs who will start a new life in Japan. They will attend there to school and after that their plans is to open a chain of Catalonian restaurants.

A big kiss to my sisters and their new family!!


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