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Miffa’s Tokyo bunny traveller guide: my first techno shock.

By April 26, 20076 Comments
Do you see the pink bunny here?
During my first, actually second day in Tokyo we visited Ginza. It is just a few minutes walking from Mandarin Oriental (much better that Hyatt).

I will describe Ginza better in other, longer and more detailed article, but the fact is than Mother and Father Bunny needed to connect home to check some items and of course me to tell my fans about my adventures in our way to visit Sony Building area we passed by Apple store Ginza. A multi story building who let you see, feel and touch the latest Apple stuff (as others vendors stuff made for Apples). The also have a free internet room in the fourth floor.

Father Bunny and me were wondering why all the labels (just one note a 2GB nano ipod costs there 100 euros) have barcodes that were quite unfamiliar for us. People were taking pictures of the labels with their mobile phones. We were told that Japanese are techno freaks but this was even more than we expected.

In at least three stores we asked about but no response. It was a mystery. Then in a link that we found in Cafemiffy, and that pointed to the wonderful restaurant they invited us we found a big clue:


Qr codes are very popular in Japan. Originally developed by Denso-wave QR stands for “quick response”. The rest of the story can be found in Wikipedia but nowadays is a handy, fast and very imaginative way to scan information with your mobile device.

All that business cards, addresses, telephones are inside your mobile device memory just pressing a button

Here you can generate your own QR-CODE as the one we have included in this post.
There you can download a free QR-CODE reader for a lot of mobile phones.

Tip: If you have a HTC TyTn download v.3.3


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