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Miffa, why this new website / blog is born

As you know my adoptive father had always kept a blog, when these were popular, where he was posting photos and entries about my adventures, in fact, our adventures, travels and also his comments.

As time went by we had a considerable success in the number of visits, but things started to slow down.

This is me, I was 2!!

Probably on a plane – KLM – flying to China

What happened?

Mainly my brother was born and I stopped being his favourite daughter – laughs – but the truth is that it also coincided with the decline of blogs and the old man has always hated and hates social networks. I guess it happens to all old people.

Chairoko and Kairoko from Japan stayed with
us one year on cultural exchange

What do you think of social networks?

I’ve always been very, shall we say, allergic to the effort it takes to maintain a social media presence. As an influencer I would have a press team, but running these things myself would take time away from me to lounge around.

I appeared on other blogs too

On an Airbus 380 cabin with my brother (hiding behind me)

And this Antarctica thing, tell us what it’s all about.

When my father got bored with his job he thought of new ways, first more attractive ways to make money and then more money to be made. He entered a glamorous world of artists and designers who showed him new virtual spaces.

In one of them he discovered that there were morons who had the same hobby as him, writing about rabbits they had adopted. One of these people worked at a base in Antarctica.

One of the first days I was able to land

His friends, acquaintances and followers of the blog began to joke about how bad I had it for being the first to set foot on five continents (or all seven).

Little by little my travels took me to places on four continents, but I was missing the frozen continent. And mother rabbit decided that I had to go there.

So, finally it happened.

As it was my father’s birthday, he planned it several years in advance, but COVID was also involved and it was not possible to keep it a secret for long.

The truth is that along the way we thought that he had lost his enthusiasm and that apart from the preparations for the trip, he had nothing ready to put in the digital world.

Mr. Gutang is now famous, but he has been with me for a long, long time.

And did he deliver?

Well, for the last few years the baton of the networks has been passed to my brother who is much more of a lover of social networks, especially the new ones. For the project of relocating the old blog and writing the expedition diary, he decided to use his own resources.



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