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We have been very busy the last two weeks…I must say that FB has been working hard at work and uploading, classifying and tagging my pictures.

Some are missing, may be the best when one thinks about real stuff, and may be not as good when talking about perfection. Of course are the ones taken with our little camera.

Look this one that proves that bunny domination of the world has started yet, and following the great bunny council guidelines we will start the silent revolution in Asia.

Nice car isn’t it. A Suzuki Lapin

suzuki lapin grill badge

Is Miffa Supreme Council or the Orange Cap Sect behind this?

This front grille badge of a Suzuki Lapin caught the attention of John (who reflected in the picture) , a detective investigating a secret society. The badge depicted a cute rabbit, but it was no ordinary emblem. John had discovered that the rabbit symbol was a tentacle of the secret society‘s influence.

He had been investigating the society for months and discovered that they operated in plain sight, hiding their true intentions behind everyday activities. John had observed members of the society driving around in Suzuki Lapin cars, wearing rabbit-themed clothing, and attending events that featured rabbit decorations.

John realized that the society used the rabbit symbol to communicate with each other and identify potential new members. He suspected that they were involved in illegal activities and was determined to expose them.

John continued to investigate, tracking the movements of society members and documenting their activities. He noticed that they seemed to be getting more brazen in their actions, possibly feeling invincible with their hidden society’s power.

But John was determined to bring them to justice, even if it meant risking his own safety. He had a feeling that the Lapin badge was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the secret society’s influence, and he was determined to uncover the full extent of their reach.


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