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After sometime idle, for different reasons Miffa and Tometaro travel again. This time Miffa is checking places to live in the countryside.

Following advice for some friends of her she has selected several spots North of London, around M1. This is about 45 minutes to 1 hour from London.

This was our first time in United Kingdom, and probably is a place that we had not visited in our whole life. Let’s say we don’t care about this country. We have been in New Zealand (that indeed is a tiny copy of it) and after the initial hype about grass, sheeps and cute houses… that it!

But for a good reason may be Miffa will be forced to live there for a while so she decided to invest some money in a nice Victorian house. 
 we got a S Class Mercedes, nice start
 Inside there was no phone, it’s fake!

Nice houses, let’s check the price

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