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We receive a lot of presents from CafeMiffy

As you can read in the wikipedia “In Spain there is a long tradition for having the children receive their Christmas presents by the three “Magos”, (the figure of Santa Claus only appeared in recent years) during the night of January 5th (Biblical Magi Eve).”

This year the Three Kings from the East have travelled further than ever as they came from the far East (Japan).

Our Friends from Cafemiffy wrote the letter for us and they have brought us a big bunch of delicatessen: the best sake and Umeshu, the finest limited edition beers, green tea, Japanese crackers, excellent Japanese food and two very nice shirts for me and Father Bunny.

And, taking into consideration the latest low temperatures a nice and soft scarf and a pair of gloves for my walks.

Thank you very much Cafemiffy Kings!

We receive a lot of presents from CafeMiffy

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